Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Sir Fulke Greville, Baron Brooke 1620: Sonnet XVII

CYNTHIA, whose glories are at full for euer,
      Whose beauties draw forth teares, and kindle fires,
Fires, which kindled once are quenchèd neuer :
So beyond hope your worth bears vp desires.

Why cast you clouds on your sweet-looking eyes ?
Are you afraid they shew me too much pleasure ?
Strong Nature decks the graue wherein it lyes :
Excellence can neuer be exprest in measure.

Are you afraid because my heart adores you ?
The world will think I hold Endymion's place ?
Hippolytus, sweet Cynthia, kneel'd before you,
Yet did you not come downe to kisse his face.
      Angells enioy the heauens' inward quires :
      Starre-gazers only multiply desires.


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